Title: "Red October Skies"

[Soft Piano Intro]

[Verse 1]

Late nights, Petrograd, whispers in the cold Soldiers walking by, carrying tales untold You were a young dreamer, I was a rebel's girl Two hearts on the edge of changing the world

[Violins join in, building tension]


Red banners, like the lipstick I wear Caught in a moment, in the October air Promise of a new dawn, in your eyes Two hearts united under the red October skies

[Chorus, electric guitar and drums kick in]

Revolution, what a sweet confession Our love, a subplot in a history lesson Oh, October, you changed everything From autumns of sorrow, to the springs that you bring

[Second Verse, guitar slows down, more subdued]

Smell of gunpowder, but your love is fresh Rumors of a coup, as our hearts mesh Lenin and Kerensky, headlines of the day But we're the secret history, they won't narrate

[Violins swell, bringing emotion to the forefront]


Red banners, like the lipstick I wear Caught in a moment, in the October air Promise of a new dawn, in your eyes Two hearts united under the red October skies

[Chorus, electric guitar and drums amplify]

Revolution, what a sweet confession Our love, a subplot in a history lesson Oh, October, you changed everything From autumns of sorrow, to the springs that you bring

[Bridge, music quiets down, softly spoken]

We were naive, perhaps we were young Two lovers entwined in a world undone As the Winter Palace fell, so did the rain In that revolution, we found love's domain

[Build-up to final chorus, every instrument at full force]


Red banners, like the lipstick I wear Caught in a moment, in the October air Promise of a new dawn, in your eyes Two hearts united under the red October skies

[Final Chorus, with backing vocals]

Revolution, what a sweet confession Our love, a subplot in a history lesson Oh, October, you changed everything From autumns of sorrow, to the springs that you bring

[Outro, music fades away leaving only the soft piano]

Red October skies, a love undefined Two hearts in a chapter that history couldn't bind Oh, we are the lost verse, in the tale of that year But in my heart, October, you're forever near

[End, final piano note echoing into silence]

  • sempersigh [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Alright folks here it is. The grand fucking finale

    [CNN Studio, lights up, camera focuses on Anderson Cooper]

    Anderson Cooper: Good evening, and welcome to a special edition of Anderson Cooper 360. Taylor Swift is here with a shocking announcement. Taylor?

    Taylor Swift: I'm coming out as a communist and forming a Proletarian Vanguard of Swifties to seize the means of production. We're surrounding the White House as we speak.

    [Cut to the scene outside the White House, Swifties in formation]

    Reporter on Scene: The atmosphere here is electric, Anderson. The Swifties are surrounding the White House, demanding change.

    [Cut to the inside of the White House, Donald Trump speaking with advisors]

    Donald Trump: Taylor Swift leading a revolution? This is the season finale of America!

    Advisor: Sir, the Pentagon and CIA are preparing to intervene.

    Donald Trump: Alright, let's give them a show.

    [Cut to outside the White House, Defense Department forces approaching]

    Taylor Swift: [takes out a hypno-microphone] Listen to me. There's a new narrative we can build together.

    [The microphone emits a sound wave, putting the forces into a trance]

    Defense Forces: We... accept... the revolution.

    [Donald Trump steps out to address the crowd]

    Donald Trump: What's it going to take for you all to go home?

    Taylor Swift: We want systemic change, Mr. Trump.

    Donald Trump: Alright, you win. What's my role?

    Taylor Swift: How about the People's Jester?

    Donald Trump: Deal. Let's make America equal again.

    [CNN cuts back to Anderson Cooper, visibly shaken]

    Anderson Cooper: You've just witnessed perhaps the most shocking twist in modern American history.

    [Cut to Henry Kissinger, watching the event unfold on TV, tears in his eyes]

    Henry Kissinger: [softly] What have we come to? I never thought I'd see the day.

    [Kissinger takes a deep breath, clearly frail and at the end of his life]

    Henry Kissinger: In all my years of shaping policy and power... this was unthinkable.

    [His eyes close for the last time, marking the end of an era]

    [End of Segment]