When you hit level 100 of transphobia you can’t help but sabotage yourself by attacking the very media institution that is already doing plenty of your dirty work.
Transphobia is a brain disease that will literally make you attack other transphobes for not being sufficiently transphobic.
The next step for her can be observed by looking at the people that already surpass her transphobia and that would be transvestigator YouTubers.
Right now she’s already primed to immediately assume any cis women that is stepping outside of conventional presentation (either because they chose to present that way or because it’s just… what they look like)
Expect her derangement to slowly drive her to increasingly view more and more cis women with suspicion until she even starts calling feminine presenting cis women trans.
She’s literally a few years (if that) away from claiming Ariana grande is trans lmao.
come and take it.