Did they fire the original writing staff and hire some dudes from reddit to write this? Not that the base game had the best writing, but after an hour of playing the DLC there have been multiple instances of lines that seem to be terminally infected by the Gamer Mind Virus. Hearing V say "amazeballs" made me want to die.

Also, fuck having to save the president. Lame mission tbh.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    9 months ago

    They took the Enlightened Centrist "not all cops are bastards" and "improving society somewhat is naive and probably evil and hypocritical like Keanu Reeves' character, but if you want to Become A Legend Of Night City(tm) and have le sexy sex, we got you covered" cyberpunkerinos and made it more Enlightened Centrist?

    I'm glad I stayed away.

    • Parsani [love/loves, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      I watched a video with the "lore designer" or whatever and I don't think you could find a more wet cardboard like liberal. The whole game boils down to liberal individualism. But my katana goes slash and I wear cool clothes so idk it evened out for me.

      They did make Keanu's character say he was once a cop already tho. It made no sense lol

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        9 months ago

        The whole game boils down to liberal individualism.

        That's the usual pushback I got when calling out copaganda, capitalist realism, or just outright plot rails fatalism where nothing matters but Becoming A Legend Of Night City(tm): "not everything has to be a sermon or have a message! Let people enjoy things!" smuglord

        No message except the already accepted and unexamined message.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          9 months ago

          "not everything has to be a sermon or have a message! Let people enjoy things!"

          It's Cyber PUNK. If anything is supposed to have a sermon or message it's this fucking genre.

          This is what happens when the studio making the damn thing is all PiS voters.

          Trigger took this IP and made something that absolutely fucking rocks in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. CDPR wrote absolute dogshit with it, twice. Trigger is a studio full of commies whereas CDPR are clearly fuckos.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            9 months ago

            CDPR has the exact kind of regressive reactionary Enlightened Centrist "nonpolitical" politics that Redditors have, so of course Redditors shoot thick hot ropes every time a CDPR game says caring about improving society somewhat is naive and stupid, actually, and to just go have le sexy sex and indulge in self-absorbed dudebro power fantasies (dae le Witcherino code and/or Become A Legend Of Night City(tm)) instead.

      • ProfessorAdonisCnut [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Isn't his character's whole early backstory that he was a troop who deserted so hard he made deserting cool?

    • Blottergrass [he/him]
      9 months ago

      The funniest thing about gamers is all the "romances" in the game are just flirtatious dialogues that culminate in t3h s3xxxors. And then that's it lol. It's always someone the player character is working with, too. So romance to gamers is banging the chick at work once and then carrying on.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        9 months ago

        It isn't much of a surprise that "gamedads" as they've come to be called, the ones that did manage to get married and have children, are more often than not eventually divorced. That's the target demographic of Star Citizen, by the gamedads' own admission many times over. grill-broke