I've been holding off on making this post because I didn't want to distract from the trans issues that have been front and center on this site recently or be accused of concern trolling or tone policing. But since those issues don't show any sign of being resolved any time soon, I'm just going ahead.

I don't want to be the cis equivalent of a white person who gets big mad about being called a mayo or whatever. But it seems to me that the intention behind the term "cissie" is that A. it creates an equivalent to the t-slur to turn around on cis people and B. is intended to trigger the toxic masculinity of cis dudes by essentially calling them "sissies".

Fortunately, I'm not very invested in being a "masculine" guy. Unfortunately, I had a lot of experience having my masculinity policed growing up for being too effeminate, not liking the things I was supposed to like, being too emotional, being "f*ggy", you name it. While I definitely don't think it's intentional on the part of our trans comrades, being called a "cissie" in a hostile manner (as with some of the "CISSIES MAD CISSIES MAD" posts that go around this site) really triggers those feelings.

For me, it feels like being a white person who is called a mayo, except I actually spent my childhood being pelted with jars of mayo.

Edit: At the advice of @breadandcircuses, I want to be crystal clear that this not a call out post or or an attempt to tone police anyone. Making fun of cis people is cool and good. I react badly to a specific term and this is the fault of patriarchy, not our trans comrades. I posted here in c/menby because I know that there's a lot of chapos who deal with similar issues

  • SirKlingoftheDrains [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I try to be a good comrade to all and I used to take part in jokes I just don’t anymore. I don’t find clowning on people for immutable characteristics as funny these days, even if it is a reaction to their own shittiness. I’m not saying go high. But for Christ’s sake this shit grows old, and it’s bizarre to come to this site sometimes because it’s like a time capsule or some digital realization of No Exit, where it’s a bunch of people having struggle sessions and calling each other names. I don’t find it particularly empowering or effective or funny these days. Same for cissies. What is even more annoying is that if you’re annoyed, not necessarily because you’re personally offended but because it’s just not that funny after a couple of years of the same lame jokes, people will shoot back that it’s not that it’s actually unfunny its just you who are a bad comrade for not laughing and that you’re telling on yourself for deep seeded implicit bias or something. You can be a comrade without trying to alienate others, even if it’s a response to oppression and alienation. Imo it’s okay to reel at “Mayo” or “cissie” because they are almost never used in attempt to build solidarity or build anything. I don’t begrudge those who use the terms, but I can imagine dropping into chapo.chat in a decade for a struggle session over the same damn thing. Harping on these differences is important to show where you stand, but once you’re in the same tent we have to make goals to empower each other by building solidarity across differences, and we should figure out how to embrace folks without shitting in them. If you’re new to the left and white and cis and don’t like the jokes, I guess “it’s your fault and we don’t want you here” is an implicit message the community doesn’t mind sending. This is an unpopular opinion