If you live in LA you'll need to go over at least one highway.

Edit: ITT many Americans telling me of how walkable and great their towns are. I'm happy for you but comrades, I've been to the US once and that was on a trip I won in high school so don't expect me to know the zoning plan of Providence, Wisconsin Pop. 235'489. I don't really care how lovely your city with two buslines is. For every Seattle or Chicago there are 34 Cincinnatis, Houstons and Las Vagases and approx. 234 exurbs and suburbs.

  • DrRobotnik [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    seriously though don't smoke. the vastness of preventable human suffering from smoking is mind boggling. head and neck cancer is really one of the most gruesome and horrific ways to die.

    • snackage [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Been a hard anti-smoker since I was 7. Anti-Smoking is one of like 4 things America is good at. Me being anti-smoker wasn't because of the US though.

    • Wojackhorseman2 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Had a family member die from copd. They had like ever health condition under that banner and basically suffocated to death slowly. By the time they went one of their lungs didn’t function st all and the other one was like 20ish% functional. It sucked

    • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      I have a cigar or pipe once every week or two and I can't fathom how people breathe that shit into their lungs, never mind like 20 or more times per day. I know that unfiltered tobacco is different, but if I accidentally inhale even a little bit, I'm ready to puke instantly.

      • DrRobotnik [he/him,any]
        4 years ago

        lung cancer is huge but I think people overlook or just don't know about head and neck cancer. Left untreated you'll be slowly strangled to death by a stinking, fetid mass slowly expanding in your mouth or throat. With treatment, you'll have your tongue or jawbone or cheek or voice box cut out, and then radiated. Many will never talk or eat by mouth again. Many will have to breath through a tracheostomy. Many are disfigured and completely isolated by inability to communicate. and ~50% of the time, it will come back and kill you within 5 years anyway.

        I see these people every day and seethe with anger at the tobacco companies that knew smoking did this and didn't care.