If you live in LA you'll need to go over at least one highway.

Edit: ITT many Americans telling me of how walkable and great their towns are. I'm happy for you but comrades, I've been to the US once and that was on a trip I won in high school so don't expect me to know the zoning plan of Providence, Wisconsin Pop. 235'489. I don't really care how lovely your city with two buslines is. For every Seattle or Chicago there are 34 Cincinnatis, Houstons and Las Vagases and approx. 234 exurbs and suburbs.

    • snackage [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The impression I get from US news is that Portland is extra Amerikkkan.

      • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
        4 years ago

        Portland is a land of contrasts.

        So oregon is straight up a white supremacist state, founded to hate the mayos only or whatever. But portland itself has developed a strong antifa unit in response to the fash (proud boys) coming in every few months to start shit. That whole concrete milkshake thing and Angy Gno getting knocked happened there. Plus, Portland protested for over 100 days during the George Floyd uprising this summer, only stopped because the forest fires choked us out, and then set up mutual aid stations for the fire refugees.

        They also did this dope stunt a few years back https://sports.yahoo.com/timbers-supporters-may-go-silent-to-protest-mls-ban-on-political-displays-155119930.html lol. Anyway, for amerikkka it's decently leftist. i see "ACAB" sentiments and graffiti here all the time. Once i saw "You have nothing to lose but your chains".

        • snackage [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I follow Olivia Katbi so I know about Portland and how cool it can be. I also know that Portland has a "Nazi Problem" only in so far that they have an antifa strong enough to require challenge. So ironically without Portland antifa there wouldn't be any Portland Nazis. Just communicating that for an outside observer who just sees the surface it looks weird.

          Didn't know that about the Timbers fans. That's pretty cool. A lot of MLS fans have surprisingly taken more of the good stuff about Football fan culture from Europe than the bad stuff and it's great to see.

          • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
            4 years ago

            It's definitely weird here!

            So ironically without Portland antifa there wouldn’t be any Portland Nazis

            You're right in a way, but i don't want to downplay how much oregon is a white supremacist state. Outside of portland it's dangerous to be outside at night if you're black. The nazis are in their native homeland here. Antifa has carved out a city where it is mostly safe except from kkkops. The portland nazis are from cities 20 min away, if that. Without antifa, portland would straight up be nazi territory.

            But i get the sentiment of what you're saying, it is a bizzare scenario where portland itself is chill, but the nazis are the raiders from the subdivisions or rural areas to taunt the locals.

          • asaharyev [he/him]
            4 years ago

            We really have. It's easier to see in larger SGs like the Timbers Army and Emerald City Supporters, but even smaller groups like Midnight Riders in New England and Empire Supporters Club for the Red Bulls have taken a lot of good shit. ESC in particular drove out fascists by force early in their history.

            Even on /r/MLS the apologists and anti-antifa people were piled on and driven away. Though the players don't always follow suit.