For me, it's messing up/ doing something socially unacceptable or hurting someones feelings without noticing. In my life I've done this many times, and the times it happened the worst were when I was having a lot of fun, and had no idea I was doing something wrong. I'm the king of miscommunication.

I had a long history of this, especially as a kid, and because of it for a long time whenever I was having a lot of fun in a social situation I'd suddenly remember past times when I messed up, and then I'd go down in a self-doubt spiral and it'd kill my fun and start acting weird.

  • QuillQuote [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I will call out racism or other shitty behavior in the workplace. I can’t advocate for myself, but I can for others.

    damn, mood. I think it's somewhat because when I was a kid, any time anything bothered me or I was upset I was "being a drama queen" (including stuff which turned out to be chronic medical conditions) so I basically assumed that if I felt some way... eh, I'm probably making something out of nothing, better not make a big scene out of it

    I guess it's just that I don't have that self-doubt when it comes to others and can much more easily find my courage to intervene