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  • ReadFanon [any, any]
    9 months ago

    It's outside of the Overton Window so I think your typical lib or apolitical person is going to really struggle to grasp what it means.

    I was an anarchist for a very long time before becoming a communist and, as such, I'm not enrolled to vote. I don't openly oppose people who choose to vote for (legitimate) harm reduction as long as their political activism extends beyond that and as long as you aren't sheepdogging people over it.

    But I've had more than a few people who have been completely perplexed by the fact that they know me to be deeply political and yet I abstain from voting (where it's compulsory to do so in my country). If these people sat down and put those two details together — deeply political + actively abstains from voting — then they'd probably be able to figure out that my abstention is an extension of my political position, which would imply that I am strongly opposed to bourgeois electoralism and the rest pretty much falls into place from there on but because it's outside conventional political positions here people find it puzzling.

    The same goes for why people think Hexbearians are redcaps larping as leftists; they see this apparent scattershot of political positions which they are unable to reconcile into the progressive-conservative political binary which is their frame of reference so they feel like the most logical conclusion is that Hexbearians are attempting to pass themselves off as progressive (and often failing to do so) in order to conceal their true politics as they to try and influence people to become conservative. Because that's the only way that they can make sense of a person who claims to be on the left who also criticises the "left".

    Ultimately it's just a reflection of people's political naivete or political illiteracy.