This was inspired by my post yesterday about how the metal community is full of chuds and other varieties of reactionaries, so I've been compiling a list of all the bands that I know are at least not reactionary. I'm only including extreme metal bands because there's more ambiguity since these bands aren't as mainstream as something like Black Sabbath, Metallica, or Judas Priest.

This list doesn't include bands that are 'apolitical' because the list would be way too long and it would be 99% death metal bands that most people already know. I'm also not including any bands who fuse metal with other genres like Rammstein or most metalcore bands unless the metal influences are extremely strong, not because of "metalcore not true metal" but just because many of those bands don't consider themselves to be metal anyway.

  • Necrot - American death metal
  • Body Void - American sludge/doom metal
  • Primitive Man - American sludge/doom metal
  • Dawn Ray'd - English black metal
  • Neckbeard Deathcamp - American black metal
  • Feminazgul - American atmospheric black metal
  • Napalm Death - English grindcore (early)/death metal (later)
  • Panopticon - American black metal with bluegrass/folk influences
  • Vile Creature - Canadian sludge/drone/doom metal
  • Thou - American sludge/doom metal
  • Bolt Thrower - English death metal
  • Iskra - Canadian black metal with crust punk influences
  • Sepultura - Brazilian death/thrash metal (mostly)
  • Full of Hell - American grindcore/death metal/noise
  • Dystopia - American sludge metal with crust punk influences
  • Carcass - English deathgrind (early)/melodic death metal (later)
  • Kreator - German thrash metal
  • Extreme Noise Terror - English grindcore
  • Nails - American grindcore/powerviolence
  • Blut Aus Nord - French industrial black metal/atmospheric black metal/avant-garde metal (they switch a lot)
  • Darkthrone - Norwegian black metal (these guys used to be edgelords but they've distanced themselves from the right-wing aspects of the scene)
  • Godflesh - English industrial metal
  • Spectral Lore - Greek atmospheric black metal
  • Gojira - French death/progressive metal
  • Cattle Decapitation - American grindcore/progressive death metal
  • Terminal Nation - American death metal with hardcore punk influences
  • Sportlov - Swedish comedic grindcore/black metal
  • The Body - American experimental/drone metal/noise
  • Uniform - American industrial metal
  • Oozing Wound - American thrash metal
  • Cloud Rat - American grindcore
  • Trespasser - Swedish black metal
  • Antichrist Demoncore (ACxDC) - American grindcore/powerviolence
  • Power Trip - American thrash metal
  • Mammoth Grinder - American death metal with hardcore punk influences
  • Nasum - Swedish grindcore
  • Venom Prison - Welsh death metal with hardcore punk influences
  • Minenfeld - German death metal
  • Rotten Sound - Swedish grindcore
  • Bismuth - English doom/drone metal
  • Darkest Hour - American melodic death metal/metalcore
  • Anaal Nathrakh - English industrial black metal/grindcore
  • Discordance Axis - American grindcore
  • Mystifier - Brazilian black metal
  • Samael - Swiss black metal (early)/industrial metal (later)
  • Warsore - Australian grindcore
  • Pink Mass - American grindcore (very gay)
  • Ragana - American blackened doom metal (very gay)
  • Ilsa - American sludge/doom metal
  • Sankara - American death metal
  • Baneblade - American death/black metal/noise
  • Marxthrone - Spanish black metal
  • Gaylord - English black metal
  • Vermin Womb - American death metal/grindcore
  • Gama Bomb - Irish thrash metal
  • Falls of Rauros - American black/folk metal
  • Wolves in the Throne Room - American atmospheric black metal
  • Liturgy - American experimental black metal
  • Havukruunu - Finnish pagan black metal
  • Pig's Blood - American death metal
  • Profane Order - Canadian bestial black metal
  • Blasphemy - Canadian bestial black metal

Feel free to give me suggestions and I'll update the list when I can

  • FunnyUsername [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Love that band. I figured they were leftists but I didn't know for sure.

    • gogyfrog [any]
      4 years ago

      The got a 12-hour suspension from twitter for calling the mayor of LA a "neoliberal piece of shit" and they had t-shirts that said anti-cop dorner crew on them with chris dorner's face on them. they rule lmao

      • FunnyUsername [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Haha I didn't realize they were such powerful posters on top of being good artists