Here it is, the daily thread to share all things good and positive!
Did you make strides in unionizing your work place recently?
Hear about a strike?
See a cool bug?
Help out a comrade?
If so, share it with us in the comments here! It doesn't matter big or small! This is a space to recharge and remind yourself what you're fighting for.
Comment anything here, as long as it's good vibes! (sorry this one was so late)
I love woodworking, I've been getting into it, it feels like a liberatory practice. In time I will make furniture better than the cheap and horrible quality shit people buy and throw away after a year. I never have had the tools or space to do it, but incredible fortune allowed me to get a job somewhere I can access a shop and my life is improving.
The workplace is connected to high level academia, so it's been inspirational to find true comrades even within this environment. It's easy to see the discourse within news media or mainstream forums and feel hopeless but I really believe there are good people working towards something better all over the place.
Making things that last is a great thing to strive for. Sounds like a rewarding thing to do.
To avoid self-doxxing. I'm taking a STEM class online as I am balancing a full-time job because I want to finish the STEM degree I dropped out of. Ok porky, you win, I'll get a STEM degree.
...And I'm holding my own despite me thinking I was too stupid for STEM. Hopefully in a couple years from now I'll be making real money, have a hobby, a partner and some friends and living far FAR away from my CHUDDy red state (if not out of the great satan entirely).
That's great you didn't let your self-doubt stop you from getting into it. I always hear people saying things like they just don't know how to do math or whatever but I think they just haven't had the right teachers or enough practice with it. Some people might take a bit more time but can get to just as high a level as quicker 'math brains' can, or whatever the subject is.
For sure, I'm the cliche "I like science but I'm bad at math" and I retook Calc I and II and I did decent in them during my senior year and I worked my butt off.
I saw a big praying mantis the other day and it was awesome. I love their big eyes. They're kinda cute in a way.
They are cute, there is an interesting hierarchy of colorism in bugs. Green are cute, brown and black are gross or scary. You'd think that red and black would be scary, yet everyone loves the ladybug, what makes a ladybug cute? I saw a picture of like a big mass of ladybugs in the corner of a dirty house and it was a lot less cute.
It's funny you mention that because the only bugs I don't like are black widows. If they wanna go live in the wood pile go for it. But when they're on my porch and I got my 5 year old niece running around? Sorry lady but you got to go. Hospital is 45 minutes away and that venom could kill a small child. Ain't taking that risk.
Right, first time here, trying to not dox myself.
Trying to be more consistent with learning Spanish. Even if I enjoy it, I must force myself to do it, as in other tasks.
My impostor syndrome is kinda better? At least I don't get it as often. Not wanting any social validation coupled with having trust issues in the past is a combo lol.
At least I got some good introspective in my journal yesterday.
I got a new bed. My old bed was falling apart for a long time and was very difficult to sleep in.
Microdosing makes me feel like a different class of human, it’s nuts. Is this what healthy people’s brains feel like?? No wonder they can get shit done.
Been slowly getting back into shape. I mean, I did some borderline anime bullshit back in the day, so it's all relative, but I digress. Getting tone back in my lower body and put on some flattering pants today and felt cute af.