I'm doing some writing right now, and wondering if there's a term for a dummy organization that maybe a police institution would create, for people to join, that creates the illusion of revolutionary action, and satiates that drive, without any actual revolutionary force behind it.

The best example in my mind could be the Extinction rebellion protests, that someone posted about earlier. The act of spray painting your hands on a government building, and then willfully turning yourself in, is one of the most convenient things for the government and police forces, and saps said revolutionary potential from the people who earnestly came there to support and agitate for a theoretical good cause.

Apologies if this isn't clear enough, but does anyone have any examples, or a name for this kind of thing?

The closest thing in my mind is a honeypot, but it's not quite that. It doesn't entrap people necessarily, just diverts and de-fangs the possible energy and fervor protestors would have, and lets them blow off steam, without any actual impact on capital, or other actual oppressive organizations or structures.