• No_Values [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    (Stage 1) On or about Jan 20, US Military takes over. Neither Biden or Trump is our president. Biden is essentially arrested; Trump may be co-leader along with Military. Events likely >kinetic, focused is DC Mall and other locations around the US, possibly the world. US Military shows why they are the best in the world.

    (Stage 2) About this time, "Antifa" goes completely nuts, armed with much more powerful weapons than we thought they had. (They're a front, after all.) Rioting and all-out fighting in >WDC and other locations. We're really glad DC has been locked down, 30,000 boots on the ground, who stand strong, and HOLD THE LINE. Same, around the country as Military has >been deployed tactically as needed.

    (Stage 3) In short timeframe, riots are quelled, as the Military sorts things out. Likely military tribunals in WDC, lots of "big names" go down. Mass shock for about 50 Million Americans >>(Biden voters), as they realize, "TDS was real", and they're now emerging from it. Seeing false heroes fall.

    (Stage 4) Still a lot of disgruntlement in the cities, but acceptance of the tribunals and power is officially transitioned from Military, back to Trump in coming weeks to months.

    (Stage 5) Come July 4, 2021 America is TRULY GREAT once again, and THE BEST IS YET TO COME. Trump on stage at Capital, with big SHIT EATING GRIN alongside Melania and Baron; >those 50 million I mentioned earlier still feel deep twinges of TDS, but such is life. Head back to Starbucks and Target. Life for everyone else improves.

    Just a simple Pede's interpretation, (and maybe, also a Pede's simple interpretation) of what is to come.

    Holding on, and continuing to FIGHT FOR TRUMP by STANDING WITH TRUMP.