Tea is considered to have originated in China. But it’s the delicate, fresh-tasting green tea that became popular in Eastern society and is still the base of tea culture there today.

As tea culture spread and tea was processed for export to trade beyond regions, neighboring countries and eventually across oceans, it was discovered that the more oxidized black tea would retain its freshness and flavor better over long journeys than its minimally oxidized green tea cousin.

In the earliest days of border trade between China, Tibet and other neighboring countries, tea was fermented, dried and pressed into bricks to be used as currency. To this day, most of the black tea produced in China is exported out of the country.


  • Earl Grey tea: Black tea with bergamot oil

  • Engl*sh Breakfast tea: Full-bodied, robust, rich and blended to go well with milk and sugar.

  • Engl*sh afternoon tea: Medium bodied, bright and refreshing. Strong Assam and Kenyan teas are blended with Ceylon which adds a light, brisk quality to the blend.

  • Irish breakfast tea: Blend of several black teas: most often Assam teas and, less often, other types of black tea.

  • Masala chai Indian spiced tea: Combines black tea, spices native to the Indian sub-continent, milk, and a sweetener such as sugar or honey

The State and Revolution

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  • PhaseFour [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeah, that's why I don't advocate for collapse.

    We need to construct a revolutionary party & mass participatory organizations which can administer state responsibilities in a revolutionary situation. We need to convince the people a better world is possible.

    "Death to America" is a suicidal slogan when the vast majority of people in this country identify with the American nationality. There are better slogans which communicate the intent of communists: "down with the duopoly government", "power to the people", "multinational unity", etc

    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      4 years ago

      multinational unity

      Perhaps, even, "workers of the world, unite!" ?

    • AdamSandler [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I understand your point, but we shouldn’t interact with electoralism at all.

    • scraeming [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I'd agree that collapse in and of itself is not preferable. In my opinion, engineering the hypothetical collapse of the American nation-state without some kind of dual-power entity in place is just welcoming radical elements of American society that are more amenable to those who were previously in power to seize control in the chaos, through alliance with the vehicles of state violence that remain. Those radical elements being, of course, almost wholly right-wing extremists drunk on reactionary ideologies of all shapes and colors.

      I'll also admit this is just me making an educated guess based on Osmotic Leftism™, so maybe I'm misunderstanding the situation.