For the record I don't believe in the supernatural but I love hearing others people's stories and believe that most people aren't lying.

I've personally had a few experiences that I cannot explain and that, in the moment, were quite scary.

What's your paranormal experience?

    9 months ago

    A friend and I were walking home at night alongside a forest. When in the trees we both spot a lady in a white nightgown just standing there looking toward the road.

    It was an urban legend in our community that the white lady would frequent the woods and steal kids. So we were properly freaked out and ran home as fast as humanly possible.

    9 months ago

    My mom got me this "protection" charm from a woo-ass lady at a farmer's market once. It was cool looking, so I wore it on a tight necklace that couldn't slip over my head, and I never took it off.

    A couple years later, I was in a nasty rollover car accident that could easily have killed me. I walked away only mildly banged up. I realized later that day that the necklace was gone. I scoured the car and even went to the crash site looking for it. Never saw the thing again.

    9 months ago

    When I was about 15 I woke up at about 4am, super distressed, and I knew someone had died. I didn't want to go look so I just hoped it wasn't my mother or father, shamefully I thought it would be better if it was a grandparent. There was a lot of going over possibilities and mental bargaining.

    Eventually I calmed down and realised it was irrational and finally got back to sleep, the following day I found out it was a close friend of my mother's. She'd killed herself. I don't understand what happened, I don't really believe in the supernatural but it was very strange.

      9 months ago

      This happens in my family all the time.

      I had a dream with my aunt. She was in an all white dress in a field waving goodbye at me and she was yelling stuff at me but I couldn't quite make it out. I was trying to get to her, but I couldn't get past a fence even though it was like 2 feet tall and I could easily jump over it. It felt like it was a goodbye. After a while I stopped trying to understand and get to her, and just waved goodbye, then the dream ended.

      I woke up and wrote my dream down and went on with my day. It wasn't until later l found out she had passed away. I was like 10 and at that time and I was very scared, so I didn't tell my mom about my dream until years later. She told me that happens often in my family

      I don't necessarily believe in the supernatural either, but some things I don't think can be explained. Like if it happens once I get it, but this has happened multiple times. I've seen my brother wake up from a dream and tell us about how he said goodbye to a family member only to right then and there find out they had passed away. I cannot explain it

    9 months ago

    I could fill an ama with stuff I've experienced.

    The first time I ever experienced something was when I was 5 or 6. I was playing on the floor of my bedroom with my door closed. All of a sudden I felt a sensation like putting your hand on an old crt monitor or tube TV, but all over my body. Then I heard my door knob rattle, I looked up to see it turn and the door open, but no one was there. I even got up to look and everyone was on the otherside of the house.

    9 months ago

    Once at a rave at an abandoned psychiatric ward, while wandering through the rooms and hallways, far away from any music or noise, my friend suddenly said 'its like someone's screaming in here'. He was so creeped out that we left before the party even started.

    Another friend claimed she knew that a woman hanged herself in her new room before she found out that that's what actually happened.

    9 months ago

    Be 9. I woke up to the crash of breaking glass from the direction of the kitchen. Heart racing, listening as hard as I could for someone breaking in. I hear men's dress shoe footsteps, slow and methodical. They're coming closer to the hallway to the bedrooms. The hallway light turns on. Someone jiggles my parents' locked bedroom doorknob. The light turns off, the steps walk slowly back towards the kitchen. Silence.

    I woke up the next morning to find out the cat knocked my toy off the kitchen table and the pieces scattered all over the floor. No sign of entry; apparently my mind fabricated the lights and sounds that I knew were real.

      9 months ago

      What a strange fabricated memory/dream. It seems strange also that your parents locked their door. Is that indicative of dreaming, possibly?

  • M68040 [they/them]
    9 months ago

    I've never had one, but I wish I would. Whole lot of dead relatives I want to hear from again, and yet...

      9 months ago

      Yeah when my mom died I knew that is it was possible she would have come and told me. She didn't.

  • TankieTanuki [he/him]
    9 months ago

    I was watching a man walk down the street when suddenly he turned into a drug store.

    9 months ago

    My wife used to work for one of those “paranormal investigation” companies. She saw it as a bit of fun but lots of people took it very seriously. One night I went along to a spooky old Manor House to see what it was about and I had this digital camera with an IR night mode. I took this one photo during the night and you could see a ghostly figure standing in the background. The camera used long exposures along with the infra red to get the night shots so I knew it wasn’t really a ghost but I showed my wife, she showed the organisers who shared it with the “community” and a few months later I got calls from a paranormal magazine wanting to run the picture.

    Hanging out in old houses at 3am is super fun though and I enjoyed it a lot.

    9 months ago

    Was walking around my childhood neighborhood around dusk with my friend and his dad. I was around 12 years old at the time. This was in the suburbs but it was an old neighborhood and was very wooded.

    We walked around the back side of the neighborhood where this abandoned old mansion was. The property had been overgrown since before I was born and it was so wooded that you couldn’t see the house from the road. Apparently the old man who owned the mansion built this large man-made pond in the front of the property for his wife. It was near the road side of the property.

    As we were almost past the mansion, I suddenly got this ominous feeling and whipped my head around to scan the trees. At the far side of the pond I saw something that was disappearing behind a tree. It “walked” upright like a person, but it had the back legs of an alligator and a long, round tail. I wouldn’t come to find out until years later when I saw one in person, but the tail looked and moved just like a kangaroo tail.

    I was at first fascinated by what I was seeing, then felt overcome with fear. I told my friend and my dad that I thought I saw something and that we had better get home before dark.

    No idea what it was, but over the following years when I would walk by that property, I’d always stop and try to see if I could spot it again. Though I never could look for long before getting creeped out.