Full article: https://imgur.com/a/12Fy1WB

  • ferristriangle [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Damn, and they're blaming the Estrogen? If the Estrogen was at fault, wouldn't cis women display the same outcomes?

    Couldn't possibly be that there is a confounding variable that they are forgetting to control for. Such as transmisogyny and social discrimination causing trans people to have fewer economic opportunities resulting in lower economic status and less access to social resources such as healthcare, and higher rates of discrimination and inadequate treatment as a result when healthcare services are accessible.

    Socio-economic status and discrimination has an impact on all measures of health, some of the most impactful being access to proper nutrition, the amount of stress a person has to manage, and the quality of care and social support a person has access to.

    But of course, we're scientists here! Health could never be a social issue with social causes! Being trans must be bad for innate biological reasons, which is a scientifically objective conclusion untainted by the bias of society. /s