a post about how many nazis remained in positions of power is made, the op is called a tankie and people defend the decision to keep nazis around
a post about how many nazis remained in positions of power is made, the op is called a tankie and people defend the decision to keep nazis around
Copypasting an old comment: Reminder that "whataboutism" was literally coined (originally as "whataboutery") by some absolute cull Irish journalist who supported the British during the Troubles. He needed to invent a way to not get constantly owned by everybody around him when he'd bitch about the IRA, and people would just point out what the British forces had done that either directly spurred the retaliation he was whining about, or things the Brits did that were just blatantly worse.
I know Ben Burgis kind of sucks, but he had a good article about "whataboutism" and the abuse of crying whataboutism to get out of basic calls for moral consistency:
From the article:
Whataboutism? What about deez nuts?