The kind that thinks communism is the same as nazism and thinks communism is when the government does things.

I hate liberal brain worms.

They seriously do as much damage to the left as fascists by punching to the left and spreading capitalist anti-left propaganda. They overall weaken leftism and help fascism.

We need more left unity, folks. Fash ain't gonna bash themselves. left-unity-4

    9 months ago

    If you truly believe anarchism is not against the state, I genuinely have no idea what to tell you. I seriously hope this is a conscious attempt at gaslighting and you're not THAT confidently incorrect.

    In the remote case you are actually interested in anarchism, I'll leave something here for you.

    You should, if you intend to keep thinking yourself an authority on anarchism to actual anarchists while also keeping any sense of integrity, at the very least, read this one, it's only 50 pages.

    ing me. I will leave with this: