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Throughout October, I'll be drawing a piece of Konsi art every day as a Drawtober challenge. Here's the prompts I'll be using.

You can find the art on Mastodon, Tumblr, Bsky, or Twitter. First two are best.

Alternative title: When you post the conclusion people were thirsting for 43 comics ago.

    9 months ago

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. I will always be amazed that bards have the reputation and not paladins. They're charisma casters with a healing touch, an inspiring aura, and immunity to disease.

    • Rose
      9 months ago

      That whole "Noble honor" thing.

      A Paladin has the expectation of living up to a code, honor thyself and thy Deity aspect people lean in to.

      Bards? Rockstar lifestyle, or that bit of intrigue. A Harper in the right bedchamber could find some fun things.

        9 months ago

        This is where you come in with a paladin of Sune, where their code of honour involves regular one night stands where you make sure your romantic partner for the night has the greatest night of their life. For you, it's Tuesday.

        9 months ago

        Noble honour just means they take responsibility if they knock anyone up, and they never lie about what they intend for a relationship to be. I could probably go through every set of tenets and give an idea of how every paladin is in bed.

        9 months ago

        I mean oath of the ancients though

        Nothing gets some folks feeling the light quite like getting to ride a knight's face for a turn

        9 months ago

        Oh yeah, that's how she was introduced :)

        Her statblock is as an NPC sidekick paladin, so she has a much reduced kit from a full paladin.