I genuinely went to read this in good faith since it's The Intercept (I know it's not great, but it's not CNN) but decided to do a quick text search for Zenz just to make sure. And of course, the whole fucking thing is full of Zenz.

This is just ridiculous at this point. I really don't want to be a genocide-denier if there is actually one happening, but for fuck's sake this is just ridiculous, LET ME SEE ONE REPORT ON THIS WITHOUT ZENZ ALL OVER IT.

  • superdoctorman [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Regardless of Zenz, the western presses' hyperbole, western interests in destabilizing the area, or the conflation between what is happening and cultural genocide, the internment of these people is still wrong.

    • FireAxel [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Of course, it's wrong, but it's kinda irrelevant at this point when for most people (including prominent US leftists) the starting point is that China is literally doing nazi shit to these people (executions, sterilization, forced abortion, CCTV in their houses, etc).

      You can't say "regardless of Zenz" when 99% of people have opinions about the issue based on what Zenz reports. That's why it makes me so mad -- it's impossible to normally discuss.

      • TheOldRazzleDazzle [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Well, one way to get at people on the left is that the "sterilizations" are actually government supplied birth control, based on reports.

        Which means you should ask them who is writing this stuff if they equate birth control to baby killing and sterilization...