I genuinely went to read this in good faith since it's The Intercept (I know it's not great, but it's not CNN) but decided to do a quick text search for Zenz just to make sure. And of course, the whole fucking thing is full of Zenz.

This is just ridiculous at this point. I really don't want to be a genocide-denier if there is actually one happening, but for fuck's sake this is just ridiculous, LET ME SEE ONE REPORT ON THIS WITHOUT ZENZ ALL OVER IT.

  • TheOldRazzleDazzle [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Funny enough, there's a whole episode on Sinica about Chinese pro-democracy figures that were siding with Trump right after the election based on twitter posts and the like. So liberal idiocy definitely runa in both directions.

    By the way, the hosts of Sinica are pro-democracy, anti-authoritarians liberal types (one more optimistic and one more pessimistic), so their takes tend to go in the direction of a "both sides" approach to US-China politics, which make them a bit more nuanced and worth critically engaging and debating than the usual shameless western propaganda. For example, they had a great episode recently with Indian reporters who cover China talking about the dearth of Indian knowledge about China and the hosts kept chiming in with variations of "sounds about as ignorant as the US then."

    They covered Xinjiang a while back but I never listened to it so I don't know how credulous they are about the reporting. I'm sure it's not great.