I genuinely went to read this in good faith since it's The Intercept (I know it's not great, but it's not CNN) but decided to do a quick text search for Zenz just to make sure. And of course, the whole fucking thing is full of Zenz.

This is just ridiculous at this point. I really don't want to be a genocide-denier if there is actually one happening, but for fuck's sake this is just ridiculous, LET ME SEE ONE REPORT ON THIS WITHOUT ZENZ ALL OVER IT.

  • TheOldRazzleDazzle [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Meh, 中国共产党 is literally Chinese Communist Party. If you want to be really precise you can start the movement to call them the GCD, short for Gongchangdong, or Communist Party :xi-lib-tears:

      • TheOldRazzleDazzle [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Fair enough. My area is literature before WWII, so I've probably spent more time worrying about whether to call the nationalist party GMD to be accurate or KMT to be in sync with historical nomenclature than all the times I've typed CPC or CCP combined.