Libs: stop telling the rich to throw money away, it's not gonna solve everything.

Also libs: Ukraine aid asap, thoughts and prayers.

Rest of thread contains: billionaire apologia and dehumanization of the homeless

Fuck crapitalist realism

Eat the rich

Link because I'm not a lib

  • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
    9 months ago

    1 person needs a lot of stuff to survive. get 8 billion people. thats a lot of stuff.

    The only way this lib would actually be correct is if earth had a one world communist government that made sure everyone had what they needed to survive. Instead we have a shithole planet where the majority of the resources are asymmetrically distributed to the vagaries of keeping a dysfunctional capitalist economy running and lining the pockets of the 1% who sit on top of it.

    • lckdscl [they/them]
      9 months ago

      Holy shit you're telling me in theory it's entirely plausible if we let Elon rake up more and more resources and once a desired level has been reached, we proceed to apply Clockwork Orange style brainwash to turn him communist. And now he's putting chips in his and his friends' brains. Convenient.

      • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
        9 months ago

        Point was that the lib, upon typing that sentence, is implicitly assuming that all 8 billion members of humanity are currently getting the resources needed for survival (fake news).