Interesting, I'll add that to my watchlist, for anyone scrolling past it is called "Seventeen Moments of Spring" and it's IMDB rating is pretty damn high.
Btw on Little Vera, I haven't seen that myself, but looking at its wiki you should not expect anything celebrating Soviet society or anything of a positive tone, so to speak.
It seems that the quote in question is spoken rather sarcastically because the movie itself deals with the socialist realism of that era, so it is more of a somber note, just as an FYI.
Interesting, I'll add that to my watchlist, for anyone scrolling past it is called "Seventeen Moments of Spring" and it's IMDB rating is pretty damn high.
Btw on Little Vera, I haven't seen that myself, but looking at its wiki you should not expect anything celebrating Soviet society or anything of a positive tone, so to speak.
It seems that the quote in question is spoken rather sarcastically because the movie itself deals with the socialist realism of that era, so it is more of a somber note, just as an FYI.
Do you know where the other of the 12 Episodes are to be found? I can't understand which is the first and such.
The link should lead you to the playlist with all 12 episodes in correct order, weird.
If it really won't work for you maybe just try searching for "Seventeen Moments of Spring (1973) - Part 1" and so on for the other episodes.
It works, just didn't load the tab properly at first. Thanks!
Ah okay, cool, no worries.
Slow pacing, but pretty nice series.
Ah, I already forgot about it again. Thanks for reminding me and for the feedback.
I guess I'll actually give it a watch then later tonight.