• TillieNeuen [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I have a lot of complicated opinions about this, because obviously sacrificing children to the line god is obscene. At the same time, black and brown children are most likely to be attending underfunded schools and have parents who are essential workers (not white collar workers who can work from home and supervise remote learning). There's no doubt in my mind that black and brown children are disproportionately going to be left behind educationally. I wish I had any faith that anything would be done to make it up to them. You can't fix dead, so obviously keeping them home is right. I just have no faith whatsoever that serious funds and time are going to be dedicated to getting their educations back on track. Sorry I'm being a party pooper in the dunk tank.

    • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
      3 years ago


      We systemically have oppressed minorities as a society to the point where not reopening schools during a pandemic is an injustice to them. Fucking disgusting country :amerikkka:

    • CrimsonSage [any]
      3 years ago

      Also sending underpaid teachers back to die in front of their students us also bad.

    • s_p_l_o_d_e [they/them,he/him]
      3 years ago

      one not-completely-shit thing my school does is to openly encourage and allow for students

      • who have difficult home situations
      • having difficulty in remote classes (mostly attendance, often due to depression/isolation and lack of technological access)
      • high-needs or special education requirements

      take their remote classes classes at the school building

      and simultaneously only have admin staff

      • principal
      • department chairs (who aren't teachers)
      • nurses
      • secretaries

      in the building to supervise/support them

      not a perfect solution by any means (students still have to commute to the building, intrinsically unsafe since most of these kids use public transit)

      but the building internet is far more stable than many students' home internet when only a handful of people are using it, and they can get meals there too (no public broadband option in my city, thanks Comcast and Verizon)

      and ofc teachers and students are not required to come into the buildings

      note: sorry for the formatting, I tend to talk in parentheticals a lot