I played Fallout 3 when it came out, and just got bored with it fairly quickly. It's got that Bethesda vibe where everything is great at first, but then you start to get further into the game and everything starts to seem copy+pasted to make the game artificially larger and longer. Is it like that at all? I see it mentioned as a great game all the time, but I also saw that about 3 when it came out.

  • flees [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    I got super bored with fallout 3 when it first came out. Then someone suggested playing New Vegas as a brawler, as I just ignored it when it came out. So I tried it, and shit, the game and story is so much better than fallout 3 and 4. It has lots of depth and a really interesting world. I definitely say give it a try.