Hey all, just wanted to let people know if you don’t have Coinbase account or do but haven’t looked at the Rewards section that there are free coins available for answering a few questions, you can quickly get about $35 of free coins as all the answers are available online and you don’t have to wait for the video to end. Then you can then just convert all the shit coins to BTC, ETH or cash out.

The only issue is that if it’s a new account you have to wait a little while to be verified to access the questions so it might be a few days before you can do it.

If you do just want to cash out it might be worth leaving it in for a little while and building it up as they add new free coins every few weeks , maybe wait until you have $50 or such as you will pay less fees for one big withdrawal than you will for multiple small ones.

note: if you aren’t banking with $USD check any potential currency conversion fees on the account you might be transferring/withdrawing from so you don’t get stung. I know they have no fees on transfers with some other currencies but not all so make sure before you do it.

(re-posted with removed referral link, sorry all totally blanked over that one when checking if it was ok)