I can't think of a better way to describe it. For example. I have a stupid little picross app on my phone. I swear it has just the right sounds and mental input to keep me glued to it. I know I got other things to do. I know I need to put it down. One more puzzle is fine tho, right...? I mean it's only 3-5 minutes...and poof it's been an hour....well, it's already been an hour so one more is fine, right?


I am asking here cuz I don't wanna hear about "well just put your phone down!" or "willpower!" or even "lazy!!!". I physically am sitting there thinking ok after this one I put the phone down and then I push the next button without even noticing I did it. It's even worse if I'm stressed or 'procrastinating' cuz the list is too long. So please, gently, without reminding me that I'm a lazy asshat who just needs to learn to adult, help me out here...

  • headr00m [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I get this but thankfully it's generally only using downtime in a different way from intended e.g. getting riveted by a interesting scene on roommate's tv show and just standing in the hallway halfway between my room and the living room fixated for three episodes before he notices what happens and makes a comment.