I can't think of a better way to describe it. For example. I have a stupid little picross app on my phone. I swear it has just the right sounds and mental input to keep me glued to it. I know I got other things to do. I know I need to put it down. One more puzzle is fine tho, right...? I mean it's only 3-5 minutes...and poof it's been an hour....well, it's already been an hour so one more is fine, right?


I am asking here cuz I don't wanna hear about "well just put your phone down!" or "willpower!" or even "lazy!!!". I physically am sitting there thinking ok after this one I put the phone down and then I push the next button without even noticing I did it. It's even worse if I'm stressed or 'procrastinating' cuz the list is too long. So please, gently, without reminding me that I'm a lazy asshat who just needs to learn to adult, help me out here...

  • sappho [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Yeah I think it's an executive dysfunction issue. Sometimes I can fix it by doing a countdown. I go from five down to one in my head and the deal is that I can count slowly if I want to, I can pause to think about how much I don't want to move or switch what I'm doing, but once I hit one I have to move. Even if it's just a little movement and not the full thing. Sometimes this works and sometimes I still get frozen in place for hours.