• ComradeMikey [he/him]
    3 years ago

    more like avocadro amirite xD man i thought i was hilarious didnt I 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • spez_hole [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    I was never taught why it needs to be this value. My handwaved answer is "to make balancing equations easier." The real answer seems to require me to look up wtf a dalton is and why that was chosen.

    The number 6.02214076×1023 (the Avogadro number) was chosen so that the mass of one mole of a chemical compound in grams is numerically equal, for most practical purposes, to the average mass of one molecule of the compound in daltons. Thus, for example, one mole of water contains 6.02214076×1023 molecules, whose total mass is about 18.015 grams and the mean mass of one molecule of water is about 18.015 daltons

    Anyone wanna help? Ty

      • Kaputnik [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Now I'm no physicist but theoretically if I could squish a single mole enough, I could create a tiny black hole with the mass of that poor mole. If we wanna talk about a stellar black hole which has 10 times the mass of the sun then that would be 2E31 kg, the best average mass of a mole I can find is 0.075 kg, so it would take 2.67E32 moles to create a stellar black hole. So don't worry if I had a mole of moles I wouldn't cause the end of the world.

  • Wojackhorseman2 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    “Yeah, so uh, hello there. Lemme introduce myself. Name's Resetti. Mr. Resetti. You and me...we met before? At the museum, somethin' like that? Yeah, whatever. I guess I oughta thank you for buying this game, Animal Crossing: Wild World. Yeah, so, on behalf of everyone at Nintendo, I... Uh... What was next, again? Aw, forget it! I ain't recitin' that stupid line again! I give up! Let's get down to business, whaddaya say? You an' me gotta talk a bit here. I gotta let you in on why I've come to visit. You followin' me, bright eyes? When you quit playin' last... How'd you do it? You do anythin' unusual, maybe? Like...I dunno, you turned off the power without savin'? Anythin' like that? Huh? I didn't hear whatcha said there. ...You did? You quit without savin'? I KNEW it! Don't tell me, I'll tell YOU, pal! THAT'S the reason! THAT'S why I'm here! If you're gonna turn the power off, you gotta save first! C'mon, use your head! Didn't old man Nook do his routine on how you can save in the attic? If that's too much work, you even got START right there...lazy bones! Just shuttin' down is the same as resettin', and you know what that means! Yeah! I gotta tunnel out here and lecture you! Got it? Good! Don't forget! So tell me somethin': you even know what resettin' does to your play time? It vanishes it. All that time you spent playin'? POOF! Gone. Bye-bye! No big deal, huh? Maybe it was just a minute of your life. What do I know, right? Well, I'll TELL you what this mole knows: you gotta treasure life. Every second! And don't even talk to me about other games, neither. This ain't another game. This is Animal Crossing: Wild World. We...encourage you NOT to do stuff like that. Hey, I know what you're thinkin'. "This is MY game. I can do whatever I want!" Look, I hear ya, pal, loud an' clear, but we got rules here. They ain't negotiable. Did I explain that slow enough for you? Yeah? We clear here? Good. Seein' as this is your first offense, I'm gonna let you off easy this time, OK? But you oughta know, kid, I'm goin' outta my way to be friendly here. That's right, friendly... Normally, well...I got some anger-management issues. I was born with a short fuse, and that thing gets shorter every single day. I don't try to be mean or scary or nothin', but some people are real sensitive. Hey, Ex-CUUUUUUSE me! Pfff... I'm just tryin' to scratch out a livin' here. I ain't a goblin, y'know? But, hey, fear and loathin' comes with the hard hat, so...BOOOOOO! BAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! ...Yeesh! Look at the time! I gotta get tunnelin'. Here's hopin' I don't have to come see you no more. But I'm warnin' you... I gotta talk to you again, punk, an' I'm gonna be wearin' my angry hat. It is one ugly hat, too. You'll get straight-up, high-octane, mad mole! No cream, no sugar, punk! And don't you forget it! Now, SCRAM!”