Looking for info to disprove this stigma, I don't really have much other than one academic research paper I found but I don't think if the guy I'm arguing with would be willing to sit through and read that. He dismissed it as queer theory which he says has been "debunked" idk what the hell queer theory is. Anyway from what I can tell with this dude the simple and more obvious the better but it must also be backed by peer reviewed research
you're gonna have to look back to reporting on satanic panic, aids hysteria, war on drugs etc to see that it's the same argument around stealing/indoctrinating/brainwashing children. Homos are paedos because your child might be gay. Drug dealers are recruiting child runners and soldiers. Also all of this is satanic and organized.
I've seen conspiratorial criticism of queer theory insofar as attacking the academics 'promoting' it or whatever but I'm not super interested tbh, I'm not advocating for Foucault or whoever else to fuck teenagers I'm trying to live my life lmao