can’t we stop pretending to enjoy music? it’s boring

  • BillyMays [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeah we need to make a roastme sub on here, just for this trash take account

    Dogs are boring

    • a_dog [any,he/him]
      4 years ago

      lmbo dogs aren’t boring hahahaha

      what a self own

      • BillyMays [he/him]
        4 years ago

        You’re just pretending to like dogs. You know they’re boring, but can’t admit it out loud, so you over react cuz deep down inside it’s true. Like a person who pretends to still believe in god for aesthetics.

  • SpookyVanguard64 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    If you say that music is unenjoyable and boring, then how come I find it enjoyable and exciting?

    Checkmate lib 😎 😎

    But seriously though, I do genuinely enjoy music. With certain types of music I can agree with OP. Like yeah sure, I can enjoy alt-rock songs, but I'd be bored out of my mind if that was all I had to listen to. However, throw on some Drum & Bass or Acid Techno or what have you, and I've literally listened to some of those songs on repeat for days before I finally got tired. And even then, it's not like I get sick of the specific song or the music in general, it's just that I start listening to something else on repeat lol.

    • a_dog [any,he/him]
      4 years ago

      you don’t, you’re pretending to. like a catholic pretends to enjoy mass.

      • SpookyVanguard64 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Catholic mass basically a lecture and thats why they have to pretend to enjoy it.

        On the other hand, bass music literally resonates with the world around it. You feel it in the air. You feel it when you touch the walls. You even feel it in your bones. It's heavy and oppressive and it overloads the senses. Maybe it's just cause my ADHD makes it much easier to get excited and let loose, but it produces a sort of natural high for me in a way that listening to some geriatric pedophile ramble about god or Jesus could never even hope to. ADHD already makes it hard for me to stay completely still anyways, but add a beat and it almost becomes like a tic. I just have to start moving my body with the beat, even if I'm only just nodding along.

        Also, while on the subject of ADHD, there's a more practical reason why I'd never give up music: It's a really good source of stimulation. ADHD makes it such that I need a stream of constant stimulation, basically in order to avoid becoming depressed. Music is a really good source of stimulation 'cause it allows me to fidget in time with the beat, while also not demanding too much of my attention, which allows me to somewhat tune it out and focus on other things like work. Basically, music functions as a weaker version of ADHD meds. It's also good for drowning out distracting background noises, which aids my focus considerably.

  • FidelCashflow [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I did that a few years back and I am into noise now. Angry noise Cosmic noise.

    Its like music with all the annoying bits out.

  • Asia_Set [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Dog it sounds like you need to come listen to my band, we play in the genre of post-music