Some rabid anti-communist told be to read this book as proof of a Soviet genocide in Ukraine.

I did a quick search and saw it being passed around and referenced in anti-communists circles like /r/ENOUGHCOMMIESPAM, but I haven't seen any leftist evaluations of this book or this author. So is anyone familiar with this, and how seriously should I take it?

  • sailorfish [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I'm not against the Soviet Union as a whole. Many people's lives were materially improved, including most of my family's. I am less sure that suppression of the arts (and free speech more generally) was worth it. We don't have a second timeline where Osip Mandelstam lived, maybe the USSR would have fallen sooner after hearing that Stalin had fat fingers, sure. But I think if so many people went through the camps that you have people joking that they were the best writing schools or that the main people who use mat (= swear) are criminals and intellectuals, it warps the culture of a people. If we're talking about it purely practically, I think the way USians handle it is way better. Critiquing America is absolutely fine, it even wins you awards, but even the harshest critiques have an overall message of 'but we can be better' or 'this is just a fringe example, the American Dream exists overall'. That's really smart.

    • ferristriangle [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, it's hard not to have mixed feelings about a project that was so hopeful and so inspirational, that set so many important precedents, but was also so tumultuous.