• @Facebones@reddthat.com
    8 months ago

    Remember kids, taking out civilians and children is only terroristic when it's the team we root against!

    If it's the team we're rooting FOR, it's a winning strategy and actually preferable ""to bring a quick end (and to line our pockets with an actually slow drawn out end)"

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      8 months ago

      There's a difference between non-combatants of an occupying force and non-combatants of an oppressed population. The deaths of Israeli children and other non-combatants fall on the hands of the Israeli government. These are atrocities and tragedies that never would've happened if Israel did not commit genocide and ferment hatred and retaliation. When you control food, water, and electricity for 2 million people and cut them of with a snap of a finger because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, culture, etc., whatever the response is will be on your hands.