Ones you have used, ones you are using, or ones you just have.
Human "Barbarian" Paladin of Bahamut:
Basically saw a dragon once and become obsessed with how strong they were and fell assbackwards into worshiping Bahamut.
Elderly Tiefling Wizard:
Up for anything, basically doesn't give a shit anymore, just wants to do illusion magic and parlour tricks and maybe help a few people if they can.
AMAB Enby Devil-Cleric:
Self-serving, sugardaddy is Asmodeus, or some other devil, they made a pact with in exchange for hrt and magic powers.
I guess everyone can see I’m playing an Aasimar Cleric with imposter syndrome.
I also put together a Dwarf Rogue that’s just indiana jones except he’s a masters student instead of a professor, and he’s full of shit.
I was also thinking of RPing a politician using the rogue class.