Ones you have used, ones you are using, or ones you just have.

Human "Barbarian" Paladin of Bahamut:
Basically saw a dragon once and become obsessed with how strong they were and fell assbackwards into worshiping Bahamut.

Elderly Tiefling Wizard:
Up for anything, basically doesn't give a shit anymore, just wants to do illusion magic and parlour tricks and maybe help a few people if they can.

AMAB Enby Devil-Cleric:
Self-serving, sugardaddy is Asmodeus, or some other devil, they made a pact with in exchange for hrt and magic powers.

  • Hoyt [he/him]
    3 years ago

    oh i figured if anyone was interested here are the docs. I think this PC is especially fun if you're coming into an established group. Just say you followed the carnage and had to start filling out the proper death certificates for all of the party's victims