I’ve done quite a few natal charts, semi-professionally as I never accept money for any witch-y work, but I’m happy to try and answer any questions.

  • deadbergeron [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    What would be the best place to learn more about astrology? I realize there's a ton of shit out there that's sort of bullshit, a lot of stuff that's like "how you can use astrology to make more money." Are there any good reliable online sources to learn more about astrology? Not just what it all means for me, but also the history and mythology behind certain signs

    • quartz242 [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I started with the book "Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need" I did my own natal chart and my spouses with that. From there I actually started studying Jyotish astrology, https://vaultoftheheavens.com/VOTH_ChartCreator/Welcome.aspx, which has some similarities and differences to western astrology.

      For good online sources that is tough to say as there are so many out there and it honestly seems like the sites disappear and reappear.

      At the end of the day to me astrology is a means to understand myself more, not in absolutes like, I am this way because of my cancer moon, but rather give insights to myself. Like my mars is conjunct with moon in the 6th house so keeping an exercise routine is really beneficial to my body which compared to my own experience of sporadic vs scheduled exercise. As well as the best way to work through my emotions is through a physical activity.

    • quartz242 [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I personally consider astrology a form of divination in that while going through the creation of a chart the complexity and channeling of the planetary energies allows one to experience a different state of mind. When focusing on that state of mind whilst channeling an intent like "I wish to know more about my relationships in context of myself" akin to how one may do a tarot reading, you can receive insights.

      My world view shapes the way I approach and practice astrology exactly how you framed your astrological approach as a younger person, the person comes first. The vagueness of astrology combined with cold reading skills can really allow someone to take advantage of another especially when selling services, as you want that grand "a-ha" from the other person to validate one's own sagacity but as you said the person comes first. So when I do natal charts for others I break down each step of the process (moon is capricorn, mercury is scorpio, etc.), (Moon, Sun, Jupiter in 4th house), (Moon, Sun, Jupiter is Conjunct) and go through the interpretation process with them (So the conjunction in 4th house means that a large expression of emotion may be central to how you view yourself as well as your emotional security what do you think about that? Then look at maybe where mercury is since its communication to open up a discussion on if they are being true in regards to how they communicate their emotions.

      In a nutshell I view a natal chart as weaving a storytelling tapestry along side the person whose chart I'm writing.

      Rather than astrology defining a person shifting it to another means by which someone can define themselves.

      I don't really have an answer for less essentialist resources or spaces, since as you said capitalism has done a number on astrology. I've read a good bit of resources that hold those essentialist views and combined them to create something that I feel better about, not to mention the actual natal chart creation in real time with another using this approach is so organic and satisfying as often we get to embark upon an emotional journey of self-reflection and understanding. I've had the same doing in-depth celtic cross readings with my raider-waite which is kinda brutal with it's honestly, my klimt seems to be a bit more kinda but that could just be my own bias being projected.

        • quartz242 [she/her]
          3 years ago

          I do use websites particularly ones that allow for Sidereal chart creation as it references star-charts that are updated rather than derived from older ones as tropical astrology does.

          I like the Jyotish style as it includes a lot more info like the nakshatras and their pada which i'm unable to get a concise description of at the moment & find the info for Rahu and Ketu to be interesting.

          I've used this website a lot too: https://cafeastrology.com/free-natal-chart-report-sidereal-vedic.html

          Once I have a chart I'll look into a few different interpretations then come to my own, googling "Taurus Venus in 6th house"

    • quartz242 [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Short Long answer would be discussing the rise of pop astrology which is essentially capitalism finding a way to profit.


      Based on that common definition a long short answer would be that a retrograde mercury's energies are different than the typical form causing disruptions. Mercury's association with perception, communication, electronics, short duration travel can bring one to the conclusion that a disruption in those areas could be bad.

      If you were to examine the transit chart containing the retrograde planet in context of one's natal chart you would be able to get a more useful picture. For example someone that had a mercury opposite Venus in 7th house may have issues communicating in relationships but when experiencing a mercury retrograde simultaneously as a venus/moon conjunction it may be the catalyst for you to communicate your hidden emotions to a partner, the disruption could literally cause one to break a shy cycle and finally ask someone out.

      Hope that answers your question, please feel free to follow up if it didnt

  • JK1348 [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Can we please do more discussion on this? 🥺

      • JK1348 [he/him]
        8 months ago

        I've been getting into a surface level of astrology, I know my chart pretty well, but I'm always amazed by how pro astrologers can read someone's chart and make very accurate reads of that individual.

        Where can one begin to learn about this so we can use these powers for good and not for profit or manipulation?

        Also what are the houses? There's still so much I'm clueless about like nodes