What's with people saying they want to live in North Korea? Dictatorships aren't "based" dude. They give lefties a bad rep. Edit: Sorry y'all, I was a bit rude earlier. I had a bad day yesterday and I was a bit mean. Tbh I probably should have phrased my post a bit differently. So basically, can someone who is a "tankie" explain the ideology a bit? I really don't know much about it, and I suppose my gut anarchist feelings were a bit hostile to any sort of authority. Thanks in advance!

  • ABigguhPizzahPieh [none/use name,any]
    3 years ago

    This post isn't about defending DPRK or China or whoever but looking at why you think that it makes you "look bad." As if the right was ready to embrace socialism before they got spooked by the Russian revolution.

    Conservatives and liberals who hate the left feel absolutely zero shame about atrocities that they are up to their neck in. Which lib or conservative hand wrings about how they would support America if not for the half dozen on going wars around the world, or the coups, or the war crimes, or the poverty, etc, etc, etc. You can't just wash your hands of dealing with tough problems. Does the current state of the DPRK embarrass you more than the fact that the US levelled that entire country back to the stone age during the invasion of Korea and then slapped sanctions (ie. Siege) on it?

    I'd like to point out to americans that a couple of decades of a meh economy produced Trump, and yet most third world countries are in a constant state of distress thanks to western capital and yet they don't erupt into insanity.