Remember how groups of protestors got kettled and arrested in cities all over the country in late May/early June last year? Some of them are still fighting BS charges in court, often based on misleading police reports that judges interpret at face value. As expected, local cops have thrown a lot at the wall to see what stuck, and to scare these overwhelmingly young (mostly late-millennial/early-zoomer) people into plea bargains. Of course the most ridiculous charges have already been rightly dropped and they have a lawyer backing them up but all charges, against every defendant*, should have been dropped!

Support for the BLM movement also means building public support for those arrested for obviously political reasons, as a measure to make an example out of people who dared to turn out on the streets against police violence or even to simply record what the cops were doing on their phones for the public to see how they operate, unfiltered and unlaundered by local-TV-news copaganda. If the prosecution succeeds in convicting anyone they could set a dangerous precedent that would have a chilling effect reducing turnout at protests, potentially weakening people's movements like BLM and increasing working-class/otherwise-marginalized people's paralyzing fear of the police.

Especially for those who live in or near Mass, this could be an opportunity for chronic posters to get off the armchair for at least a moment and actually do something resembling praxis. Even if it's just spreading the word or putting out some agitprop in support of this online or sharing info about it with sympathetic friends/family/coworkers.