Figured I'd make a dedicated post this time instead of leaving it in a comment.

If more details are needed, please leave a comment and tell me.


Disabling this extension did not remove the popup, but here's my settings anyways:



Return Youtube Dislike

Removing this one did initially seem to work yesterday, but today it isn't.


DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials

Removing this did not work, but this extension has caused adblocker-blockers to yell at me before.


    9 months ago

    YouTube updates their adblock detection script twice a day meaning you have to update the "quick fix" filter list twice a day aswell. There's currently no permanent fix. It's a cat and mouse game.

    9 months ago

    Ublock Origin is working well again, google keeps updating their script but it only takes a few hours to get a new fix.

    9 months ago

    I have Bitwarden, RES and uBlock Origin, plus Enhancer for Youtube.

    My fix was

    1. disable "Block Ads" in Enhancer for Youtube
    2. add this to uBlock under "My Filters":
    ! from, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false), Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0), ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []), Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)
  • Ivy
    9 months ago

    I assume it's uBlock Origin. I have that and another one that I can't remember the name of, but it 'clicks ads' and you don't see them. I disabled uBO and left the other running. Worked fine for a few videos Sunday but Monday it was throwing the 'you can't use an ad blocker' again.

    But I'd wager just about anything that affects YT on your end will throw that message at this point since they desperately want people to pay for premium or watch 3min of ads per 5min video.

      • Ivy
        9 months ago

        Ah yeah that's it. I'd had no issues with it, but I bet it's getting flagged on YT even though they're getting those sought after clicks and such. Cause I'd never click on an ad of my own choice.

  • U de
    9 months ago

    I had two issues triggering the ad blocking warning. Mind that I'm running Firefox and Ublock origin.

    The first was the setting to block ads on YouTube enhancer add on.

    The second was a rule I created on Ublock origin to block the notification bell.

    After clearing both, no more warnings. At least for now.