• CyborgMarx [any, any]
    8 months ago

    CNN is no different from Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines, it is an inciter of genocide

  • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    8 months ago

    From an article of experts discussing media complicity in the Rwandan genocide:

    Experts recall that in 1993 when the ruling National Revolutionary Movement for Development was engaged in negotiations to end the civil war, its official radio station known as Radio Television Libre des Mille Collines (RTLM) was broadcasting hate and preparing its listeners for the violence. The radio was supported by an extremist newspaper the Kangura.

    In the run-up to genocide, the RTLM used insensitive language against the Tutsi community.

    Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Paul Mbaraga, a veteran Rwandan journalist and director of Radio Salus, said while state propaganda was disseminated through schools and other government institutions, the radio broadcasts took it to another level.

    “The broadcasts played an essential role in the preparation for the genocide. It is unfortunate that journalists drifted from the cardinal principles of objectivity and social responsibility and promoted hate,” he said.

    Margret Jjuuko, an associate professor at the University of Rwanda’s School of Journalism and Communication said the role of media in the genocide was significant. She said the trend to publish stories without thinking of their impact is still valid.

    “Many journalists have shifted to a point where they want to publish stories that sell, looking at how much they will get out of the story without minding more about who is affected or who is not affected. That is why you find many of them sensationalize issues instead of reporting for the good,” Jjuuko told Anadolu Agency.

    She said in conflict times, it was necessary to apply the social responsibility principle while deciding and broadcasting stories.

    “The words selected should not deteriorate the situation or put more fire in the conflict,” she added.

    Mbaraga lamented that journalists ditched their professionalism and chose to become propagandists. He said a professional journalist should use his judgment and reject issues that result in abuse of human rights and try to foster reconciliation.

    He said the media ironically used the cover of freedom of expression and created an environment of hate and then just watched the massacres silently.

    Jjuuko said the Rwandan massacre had a message that every freedom be that of media freedom or freedom of speech has to come with social responsibility.

  • btbt [he/him]
    8 months ago

    You don’t like pointless blood sacrifices to the god of death? What are you, a fucking pinko?

  • PKMKII [none/use name]
    8 months ago

    If you’re quoting someone’s opinion on a matter in a news article, it’s a given that it’s just a reflection of the quoted individual and not that of the news organization. This is completely superfluous, pusillanimous, apologizing that they dared to let an alternative viewpoint in.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      8 months ago

      Propaganda baby. The state has decreed that this genocide is going to happen one way or another.