Howdy folks, hope you stayed warm and cozied up with a good book. So tell us: what have you been reading this week?

  • DeepPoliSci [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich, a book on the grand strategy of the Anglo-American Empire. The thesis is that, relative to Eurasia, Anglo-America an island Empire with primary objective of preventing a stable Eurasian power from arising.

    It talks a bit about the WWI conspiracy against the German Empire, but it's mostly on American & British intelligence agencies funding the rise of Fascism in Germany once it became clear the "Civil War" in the USSR was doomed to fail.

    The Anglo-American Threat to Albania, it is a set of memoirs by Enver Hoxha talking about the Albanian Labor Party discovering British & American double agents & financial conspiracies against Albania between WWI & WWII.

    The Longer Telegram, a new Atlantic Council report where they are trying to draft a sound imperialist strategy against China, inspired by The Long Telegram, which outlined the Cold War strategy against the USSR.