Howdy folks, hope you stayed warm and cozied up with a good book. So tell us: what have you been reading this week?

  • RowPin [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Let's say you used to play soccer when you were younger, and now wonder how to re-bulk your atrophied leg muscles, twenty years later. It's the same thing; squatting sucks at first (okay, always) and you have to manually push yourself through plateaus, set timers to force you to endure for such & such time, etc.

    Eventually you start reading Marx for enjoyment, like me-- hrm, wait, maybe forget about all that...

    • p_sharikov [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Hmm, my family already thinks I'm weird for liking obscure academic stuff, maybe I should just take up soccer instead.