How the FUCK do you play this game? I've played Hearts 2 years ago in high school and it didn't feel as absolutely daunting as this one. I'm playing as Spain during the revolution (which just might be a hard campaign) and everything ends up as a stalemate with the fascists until I run out of supplies.

Setting up AI attacks seems goofy and difficult. Is there a better way to organize/run armies? Do I have to babysit certain battalions/armies to sit and wait until they're organized and the pincer enemy positions? Like I said, Hearts 2 seemed really straightforward and I never really had issues defeating like, the fucking Nazi's in Stalingrad or killing Argentina as Brazil.

  • TossedAccount [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The modding scene really saves this game

    I've only ever seen playthroughs of the Kaiserreich mod so I forgot that the base game has little of the internal political fights featured prominently in the CSA campaign. I was under the impression that even Kaiserreich was overly simplistic and bare-bones w.r.t. the politics ("totalism" is a made-up ideology that folds together "authoritarian" Leninist tendencies and quasi-Strasserism, it's fucking bullshit).

    • Azarova [they/them]
      4 years ago


      Haha if that's where you're coming from then yeah vanilla HoI4, or even with all the DLC's, is an extremely incomplete game compared to the big mods like KR. The only mod you'll find in depth political simulation in would be The New Order: Last Days of Europe. A lot of countries in that have their own unique internal political mechanics and warring internal factions, stuff like that.