It feels like when Fallout 3, 4 and Skyrim came out you couldn't escape people posting about them for weeks, especially with Skyrim. Now the most I've seen are complaints about how disappointing Starfield was.

Is the game that much blander or does Internet culture just move on that much faster these days? On the other hand, I do feel like there was a lot more enthusiasm for other games like Elden Ring, and sometimes you get an Among Us that just completely take over the Internet.

  • ferristriangle [he/him]
    1 year ago


    Hey, you're not being entirely fair. Yes Skyrim was released 12 years ago, but Bethesda hasn't been doing nothing with the IP since then.

    You're forgetting that they released Skyrim 10 years ago, and then they released Skyrim 7 years ago, and then they released Skyrim and Skyrim 6 years ago, and just 2 years ago they also released Skyrim, and just last year they released Skyrim.

      1 year ago

      and just last year they released Skyrim.

      Oh yeah how i could forgot update that didn't changed anything in game but broke almost every single mod out there, including 250GB i had installed. It was so bad that instead of tackling that modders developed a downgrade compatibility patch for the game.