After 16 years of living in my city, they will finally have city-wide fiber internet. I’m pretty stoked because the fastest internet I could possibly have is a WISP at 50gbps down and 10gbps up. Now I will finally have gigabit but it’s through the city, and I’m wondering if they will be more strict on illegal content download given a possible VPN leak. I know this is highly subjective but I want to understand all the possibilities what could happen.

    9 months ago

    I spent many years working building and maintaining fiber networks, and I can unequivocally tell you that the answer to this is maybe. Normally you can treat city fiber just as any other ISP. A lot of them have different rules and different thresholds on what they allow and what they do not allow. Fiber networks are extremely expensive to build. So while you definitely need to protect the multi-million dollar investment you've made, depending on how you've built it it can be a little tricky to police what everyone is doing.

    What's interesting is just because you are not receiving notice of a DMCA infraction, that does not mean that your ISP has not received a notice. There is this idea that if you are not set up for it it is difficult to track out what account held what IP 30 days prior or 60 days prior. That is kind of a BS excuse, but I have been at companies that did not have logging because they did not want to have logging.

    We did collect email notices and pass them around though weekly to see who could find the most absurd DMCA takedown. So I will say, if you were pirating some weird ass mommy fetish furry porn everyone in that call center knows it and is laughing about it.

      9 months ago

      I used to work with the networks of a university, sometimes dealing with DMCA notices. I'm honestly surprised I didn't ever see anything super weird; it was only ever popular movies and TV shows.

      What I'm trying to say is, I'm surprised the creators of the furry porn cared enough about their intellectual property to send out DMCA notices.

  • D61 [any]
    8 months ago

    50gbps down and 10gbps up

    holy shitballs...

      8 months ago

      We are going to build a national fiber network -> we built a mixed technology network -> people are not happy with the 30y old coaxial networks we bought and told them was fiber

  • happybadger [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Municipal fibre is the only good ISP I've ever had. Communities around Colorado are rolling it out. I pay like $70/mo for 1gb/s, consistently get 300-600mb/s download speeds, haven't had any downtime in a year, and zero piracy warnings using public trackers without a VPN.

  • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
    8 months ago

    Well quite frankly with all the meat people consume, they'll certainly need help passing it. I recommend state provided salads.

    9 months ago

    Am I mistaken, or did you want to say 50mbps and 10mbps? 50gbps seems way above what a wireless network can do.

    For a vpn, your connection through wireless or fiber is exactly the same. The city only provides the fiber infrastructure. When you get Internet, it's through a provider which will use their equipments and main network (they link their network to the city infrastructure, using their devices. At least, it's how it works in France). Unless the provider is the city.

    Tho I guess that providers do give data to the state so whatever the case, it would be the same thing.