:pog-dolphin: :hex-moon: :vegan-edge:
This is the place where you can chat, debate, and ask questions of your local lefty vegans.
Vegan diet why's and how's
- Health and safety: A well-planned vegan diet is healthy at every life stage, including pregnancy and infancy, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases
- Worried about protein, calcium, B12, or other nutrients? Here's an evidence-based intro to vegan nutrition
- Environmental impact and climate change: What you eat matters more than where it comes from
- Do it for the animals, not for you: Being an ethical vegan may help you stay vegan longer
- Dominion (CW)
- Earthlings (CW)
Tempeh. Soy curls. Well-prepared tofu (hard to do). Seitan probably? (I've never tried it.) Jackfruit. Or you could go with processed vegan meats, which is less ideal because while they're tasty and easy, they're far less healthy, they're much worse for the environment, and they're expensive.
Also, you do you, of course, but I think it's odd that you like firm chewy meat. I've been sooo happy eating plants partially because I never have to worry about meat having a gross texture. I also never have to worry about gristle, which is so so so good. Gristle used to make me lose my appetite immediately and now it just isn't a thing!
Maybe chewy isn't the right word for it but meat have a firm texture that is hard to find in vegetables.