Jacobin: "Malcolm X died fifty-one years ago today, just as he was moving toward revolutionary ideas that challenged oppression in all its forms."

herd of NPCs in the replies: "mOvInG tOwArDs????"

So he is being celebrated for less than a year of his life and the rest is totally rejected? Interesting.

very interesting that these LARPers.need to ignore most of his life as a normal person and not a iconic Marxist Leninst revolutionary. They only celebrate him as he became an abstracted symbol of an idealist culture war, instead of as a person who struggled with grasping historical materialism like all of us. They are literally mad that people talk about his whole life and not just year after leaving the Nation of Islam before he was assassinated (new evidence: https://newsone.com/4094497/malcolm-x-assassination-nypd-fbi-conspiracy/).

Jacobin sucks, but the Marxoid hipsters who never comment on the actual substance of the article they're whining are even more contemptible.

Real communists can read conflicting theories, even from reactionaries, an actual Marxist is capable of reading more than an headline. These dorks are just immature adolescents trying to differentiate themselves from other faux-leftists with hipster virtue signalling, maybe to build social capital clout for a podcast?

  • purr [undecided]
    3 years ago

    but jacobin created this baity headline to cause this engagement, the publication is incredibly online, rubbing elbows with the blue check left elite. they know what theyre doing

    also this article is kinda weird with how it interprets X's evolvingly nuanced understanding of racism (as racism in america being something more than just "we hate blacks" and more of a resulting relationship of exploitation, and a part of america's fabric) to fit within the whole white leftist "MLK was killed because he was focused on poor people and was thus, more threatening than ever before" narrative. Obviously this article isn't going so far as to speculate on the circumstances of X's death as the dumb MLK white kids do, but its going in that direction, and creating a stretch of a narrative, even if that narrative is partially true.

    But as someone whose very very familiar with Malcolm X's story, I think the author of this article is a little off base which is weird because Malcolm X's autobiography is right there

    The author of the article fixates on this quote: "No, I’m not an American. I’m one of the twenty-two million black people who are the victims of Americanism. One of the twenty-two million black people who are the victims of democracy, nothing but disguised hypocrisy. So, I’m not standing here speaking to you as an American, or a patriot, or a flag-saluter, or a flag-waver—no, not I. I’m speaking as a victim of this American system. And I see America through the eyes of the victim. I don’t see any American dream; I see an American nightmare."

    and while i agree that this quote definitely points towards X having a more globalist approach to black struggle, the idea this quote expresses ---that a colonized people arent citizens of their colonizer nation isnt new and isnt only formed when globalist thinking is applied. Furthermore this was a concept X was thinking about way earlier than when he went to Mecca ...also the context of the speech is discussing electorialism as a black american so like //// did leftists think michelle obama was making an anti capitalist stance when she said "now im finally proud to be an american" when barack was elected? because both her and X's quote ironically outline very similar things (both propose different tactics obviously, but i think the commentary is the same) // does W.E.B.'s double consciousness, published a whole 60 years before X's speech, ring a bell??

    its also very frustrating to see white people in the twitter comments framing Malcolm X's radicalness based on how he fits within their understanding of socialism / their understanding of revolutionary vs how it fits with his historical and material conditions. Most of these white twitter leftist dont even have a meaningful (if at all) material outlet for their ideologies so it seems weird when they routinely do a measuring contest with black historical radical figures. Im sure they do this with everybody, but this always seems to happen with black figures particularly.

    edit: I wonder sometimes behind all of the real points to be made, if white leftists are just so intimidated that at a point Malcolm X simply hated white people. (As he was justified to do! His mother was a product of rpe (we wont even touch on X's extreme self hatred with being light skinned and having red hair as product of that rpe) the KKK burned a cross on his childhood lawn, his father was killed by white people, his mother was harassed by white social workers and driven mentally unstable until she had to be committed, breaking up his family, and im pretty sure this all happened before he was like 14) Obviously Malcolm X changed his views on cooperation with white people, but its kinda telling when white leftists fixate on that latter part of X's life and then try measure his revolutionary-ness at different points of which the point when he tolerated white people is conveiniently the point where he was the most revolutionary.

    edit 2: (im sorry): also i know X's ideologies in the context of capitalism + black liberation are only really being discussed here but if we're measuring the revolutionary-ness of his ideologies: malcolm x was aboslutely insane about women. like he was crazy crazy and while thats not really the scope of what the article is discussing , its still important to remember when thinking of X's ideologies/ growth + declaring them revolutionary or not

    • ProfessionalSlacker
      3 years ago

      OP is complaining about "woke twitter leftoids" but personally I was exposed to this article by black leftists making the same points you are and pointing out the editorial bias of doing this handwringing over Malcom X while publishing articles about how George Orwell is a great socialist.

      • purr [undecided]
        3 years ago

        yeah i havent even gotten started on how sus jacobin is

        also i looked up the author of this article and im not sure he is skin folk or kin folk soooooooo maybe we should just be sillleeeeennnnt by jill scott

    • snackage [he/him]
      3 years ago

      If it's not a bit then this post literally makes 0 sense

  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Jacobin is dogshit though

    Remember that time they setup a "socialism" conference and had it packed with US regime change agents?

    Pepperidge farm remembers

    I see the appeal in leaving a one liner on their shitty twitter account without reading the article ¯_(ツ)_/¯



  • DirtbagVegan [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I think the point is that he was a revolutionary before the end of his life. He was a revolutionary black nationalist and anti-colonial thinker, but not necessarily a socialist.

  • astigmatic [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    lol crazy how malcolm x discovered oppression was wrong at the end of his life and was never threatening before