Not looking for debate, more looking for a way to explain to lib friends who are getting their feet wet with socialism. Any overview of what society would look like in a stateless classless sense?
Not looking for debate, more looking for a way to explain to lib friends who are getting their feet wet with socialism. Any overview of what society would look like in a stateless classless sense?
TL:DR the state is a tool for the suppression of one class by another. After "lower stage communism", where the bourgeoisie is suppressed, their ideology is erased, and the means of production have been massively developed, we see the state wither away. We cannot predict what this will look like though beyond "transforming labor into 'life's prime want'" and producing enough of what everyone needs that there is no competition of shortage; thus proucing the maxim "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs". We cannot predict exactly what this will look like because of the limited insight our material conditions offer us. Also read State and Revolution and Critique of the Gotha Program
The state is a special tool for the oppression of one class by another, and as such the mission of the communist is to lead the proletariat into seizing the state from the bourgeoisie and in doing so, beginning their class dictatorship. This is 'lower stage communism', usually called 'socialism'. In this society, the state exists as it does now, though it has undergone revolutionary changes. From State and Revolution:
And directly from Critique of the Gotha Program
So in lower stage communism we see a society not all that foreign to our own, merely with the means of production held in common and without the bourgeoisie siphoning value from the top. Also we will see the vast developing of the means of production once they are held in common because of a lack of the monopoly inherent to the capitalist system. But how do we reach higher stage communism? The stateless, classless, moneyless society?
From Marx:
And so we have a basic understanding of how higher stage communism will appear and what its basic definition is. Lower stage communism is our goal so we might massively develop the means of production without the interference of the bourgeoisie or the inefficiencies inherent in the capitalist system while also slowly freeing ourselves of bourgeois ideology. Once this is done, we will begin higher stage communism, but we must remain historical materialists, as Lenin writes:
We cannot predict higher stage communism anymore than the Romans could have predicted modern capitalism because our material conditions and our thought based in this reality is limited. We can only lay the foundations for the withering of the state.