And I can’t even imagine it’s an intentional addition, it’s just become part of boiler plate legal documents here in the deep south.

The wiki on anti-BDS laws

  • Hohsia [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Lmao what can you even do as a powerless prole living in a genocidal nation state

    People always fucking say “how could the people let this happen” when discussing genocides of the past and the simple answer is that they were probably in the same fact situation we’re in right now (no power whatsoever)

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      9 months ago

      The Nazi Seizure of Power is a somewhat obscure book, but it’s great because it tells the story of a single small town in Germany, and their experience before, during, and immediately after the Nazis came to power. Two things that stood out to me when reading it:

      1. Just how much folks in the KPD (and to be fair, at least in this town, the SPD) fought and fought hard against the Nazis before they took power.

      2. Once the Nazis did take power, if you tried to fight against them, if you’re caught you’re gone. Maybe jail. Maybe killed. But any resistance was dealt with pretty harshly.

        9 months ago

        You can beat the Nazi off the street - but once the libs hand them the keys to the tanks, it's over.

        • D3FNC [any]
          9 months ago

          Libs: we have preemptively given the nazis control of the military so we can concentrate on our continued efforts of performatively wringing our hands on Twitter and Facebook

      • Hohsia [he/him]
        9 months ago

        We’re at the stage right now where you can lose your job for speaking out, so I’d say jail isn’t far behind on that track. Probably being labeled as a terrorist or some shit

    • D3FNC [any]
      9 months ago

      Incorrect, the real answer is always "somehow (magically, after a lifetime of propaganda) I have been coached to identify with the oppressor rather than deal with dissonance of understanding it would absolutely be me under that boot today."