Lately there's been an explosion in vehicles to invest in fine wine, art, collectibles etc. Essentially betting that inequality will skyrocket and rich people will have even less of a clue what to do with all the money. Sometimes it is called a "passion play."


Frankly they seem too scammy to me so I'm out but I'm curious does anyone have any experience with them?

  • dukeofprunes [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeah I've seen that shit where you can 'invest' in like 0.1% of a Monet or something. Seems ghoulish and awful and completely destroys the point of art in the first place, capitalism rules.

    • AMWB [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Ghoulish is right. No you see....that Monet creates more value when it is fiancialized as leverage for a hedge fund /s